On May 17, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University hosted the first scientific conference and photo exhibition reflecting the past and present of Batumi Boulevard. The conference "Batumi Boulevard, Past and Present", held within the framework of cooperation between the boulevard and the Shota Rustaveli Batumi State University, was attended by professors, university lectors of the higher education institutions and field specialists. The scientific conference opened with photo-exhibition, reflecting the old and new boulevard, and was continued with reports of the boulevard. Scientific Conference covered boulevard-related topics, such as: the history of the boulevard, a retrospective of its development from inception to nowadays, the role of the boulevard in the city’s ecology and in creating its biodiversity, some legal aspects of the use of state language in Batumi Boulevard, gardening tools, produced in France, kept in museum collections, which were used during the founding of the boulevard and etc. The conference was ended with videos about Batumi Boulevard, prepared by photo collector Shota Gujabidze.
The rector of Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University - Merab Khalvashi, director of Batumi Boulevard - Irakli Jincharadze and Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy of Adjara - Tornike Kuchava have welcomed participants and the invited guests.
Irakli Jincharadze noted that such scientific conference on the boulevard topic is held in Batumi for the first time and is important not only for a single form of scientific articles, but also for discussions about Batumi Boulevard, for listening and consider of interesting opinions.
"The work on the technical task of the Boulevard Conservation and Development Plan has been started, and we are consulting with the best experts in Georgia. Accordingly, all decisions will be made in Batumi Boulevard only within the framework of this plan. The main purpose of the project is to develop the concept of rehabilitation and development of Batumi Boulevard with its preservation of landscape, architectural and artistic values and underlining"- noted Irakli Jincharadze.
The rector of BSU University Merab Khalvashi also talked about the importance of the boulevard. According to him, the university is historically part of the boulevard and creates a unified cultural space that is a precondition for the economic and social development of the region. "A new stage of important relationship today is based on more closely linking the university and boulevard activities, so that the history and modernity of the boulevard is important both in terms of tourism and education," - noted Merab Khalvashi.
The scientific conference on the boulevard will be in annual character and will serve to promote and raising the awareness of the one of the richest recreational area and monuments of the country's cultural heritage.
The public legal entity “Batumi Boulevard” is a legal entity of public law created on the basis of the property of the Autonomous Republic of Ajara in accordance with the Law of Georgia